• : serienprogramm oben auf der seite bild mit pumpen


160 Treffer:
CCS Certificate of Type Approval

CCS Certificate of Type Approval中国船级社 CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY 证书编号/Certificate No. HB22PTA00003_02 型式认可证书 CERTIFICATE OF TYPE APPROVAL 兹证明本证书所述制造厂具备按照下列标准的要求生产本证书所列产品的能力和条件。 This is to…

CCS Certificate of Type Approval

CCS Certificate of Type Approval中国船级社 CHINA CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY 证书编号/Certificate No. HB22PTA00003_01 型式认可证书 CERTIFICATE OF TYPE APPROVAL 兹证明本证书所述制造厂具备按照下列标准的要求生产本证书所列产品的能力和条件。 This is to…


EA-3/01  EA Conditions for the use of Accreditation Symbols, Logos and other claims of accreditation and reference to the EA MLA Signatory status Publication Reference EA-3/01 M: 2021 EA…

DNV Type Approval Certificate OMG

DNV Type Approval Certificate OMGCertificate No: TAP00000D4 Revision No: 4 TYPE APPROVAL CERTIFICATE This is to certify: That the Flowmeter with type designation(s) OMG Issued to KRAL GmbH…


ALLGEMEINE GESCHÄFTSBEDINGUNGEN der Fa. KRAL GmbH (FN 75759k) (in der Fassung von Oktober 2019) 1. GELTUNG DER ALLGEMEINEN GESCHÄFTSBEDINGUNGEN: 1.1. Allen unseren Geschäftsbeziehungen liegen…


ILAC Policy for Measurement Uncertainty in Calibration ILAC Policy for Measurement Uncertainty in Calibration ILAC-P14:09/2020 About ILAC ILAC is the global association for the accreditation of…


ILA AC Poolicy on Metrol M logica al Tracceabillity of o Meeasureemen nt Ressults ILAC--P10:07/2 2020 About IL LAC ILAC is the global association for the accreditaation of laboraatories,…

DNV GL Recognition Certificate

DNV GL Recognition CertificateRECOGNITION CERTIFICATE Certificate No: MSARC0000AFT Revision No: 5 This is to certify: That DNV GL recognizes the manufacturer’s procedures and processes for…


White Paper. 1 Systemgenauigkeit einer Kraftstoffverbrauchsmessung. Verfasser: Andreas Maier, KRAL GmbH. Lustenau, im September 2019. White Paper. 2 Die Herausforderung. Die Genauigkeit einer…

Temperatursensor Baureihe EET 32/EET 33/EET 34/EET 38

Temperatursensor Baureihe EET 32/EET 33/EET 34/EET 38Betriebsanleitung KRAL Temperatursensoren. Baureihen EET 32/EET 33/EET 34/EET 38 OII 08de Ausgabe 09/2015 Originalanleitung www.kral.at KRAL…
